Welcome to the OBC Research Group website

October 2016
Prof. Andrzej Sporzyński, Dr Agnieszka Adamczyk-Woźniak, Alicja Matuszewska and Krzysztof M. Borys have jointly received the Warsaw University of Technology Rector’s group scientific award (1st class).
June 2016
- Alicja Matuszewska was awarded an ETIUDA doctoral scholarship of the National Science Centre of Poland.
May 2016
- A joint research project of Dr Agnieszka Adamczyk-Woźniak and Dr Mariusz Uchman (Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic) was selected by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of Poland for realization within the the Polish-Czech scientific cooperation programme 2016-2017.
- Krzysztof M. Borys received a PRELUDIUM grant of the National Science Centre of Poland.
January 2016
Research cooperation with Charles University in Prague
Within the cooperation, we have recently completed the project: „New sugar receptors based on the interactions of boronic derivatives with block copolymers”. The project’s continuation as well as short research stays of students and PhD students in Prague are planned.
Our Czech partner is currently looking for candidates for the STARS program: [PDF] [website]
October 2015
Dr Agnieszka Adamczyk-Woźniak received an individual award (2nd class) from the Rector of Warsaw University of Technology.
May 2015
- The group has published the paper "Recent developments in the chemistry and biological applications of benzoxaboroles" in Chemical Reviews.
December 2014
- Łukasz Włoszczak successfully defended his Master thesis and received a MSc degree.
October 2014
Prof. Andrzej Sporzyński, Dr Agnieszka Adamczyk-Woźniak and Dr Izabela Madura received a group award (3rd class) from the Rector of Warsaw University of Technology.
- Krzysztof M. Borys received the Janina Janikowa Award of the Polish Society of Chemistry in the contest for the best Master thesis in Poland in the field of chemistry.
- Piotr Urbański defended his Master thesis and received a MSc degree.
- Patrycja Gajowiec defended her Master thesis and received a MSc degree.
- Congratulations to Dr Agnieszka Adamczyk-Woźniak for her DSc degree, conferred by the Faculty Board of the Faculty of Chemistry, Warsaw University of Technology.
- Krzysztof M. Borys was awarded a fellowship of the Center for Advanced Studies of Warsaw University of Technology for a research stay at the University of Bristol, UK, starting in April 2014.
- Dr Agnieszka Adamczyk-Woźniak was awarded the fellowship of the Minister of Science and Higher Education for young outstanding scientists.
Prof. Andrzej Sporzyński, Dr Agnieszka Adamczyk-Woźniak and Dr Izabela Madura received a group scientific award (1st class) from the Rector of Warsaw University of Technology.
The OBC group actively participated in the organization of EuroBoron6 - 6th Triennial European Conference on Boron Chemistry, held from 8th to 13th September in Radziejowice, Poland. The conference gathered 165 participants from 13 countries. With its scope including all aspects of the chemistry of boron, the EuroBoron may be considered as one of the most important meetings in this field.
- The 3rd Polish Seminar "Advances in Organoboron Chemistry" organized by the OBC group took place from 7th to 9th June in Radziejowice, Poland.
Krzysztof M. Borys received a "Diamond Grant" from the Minister of Science and Higher Education for the project "Synthesis and investigation of properties and applications of novel benzoxaboroles".
- Website of the group was set up in the middle of January 2013.
- The research project proposed by Dr Agnieszka Adamczyk-Woźniak and Dr Pavel Matějíček (Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic) was selected by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education for realization within the framework of the Polish-Czech scientific cooperation programme in the years 2013-2014.
- Alicja Pawełko received a PhD student fellowship from the Center for Advanced Studies of the Warsaw University of Technology for a research stay in Prague, Czech Republic, starting in February 2013.
- Krzysztof M. Borys was awarded the Silver Medal in Chemistry (second prize) in the "Gold Medal in Chemistry 2012" contest for the best bachelor thesis in Poland in the field of chemistry, organized by the Institute of Physical Chemistry, Polish Academy of Sciences.
- Alicja Pawełko received a scientific scholarship from the Center for Advanced Studies of the Warsaw University of Technology for the next two years of her PhD studies.